Our Vision

Our goal is to provide non-invasive solutions to the various challenges in the cardiovascular field. These range from Hypertension, Chronic heart failure, Hemodialysis, ICU/ICCU, Neonatal, Obstetrics & Gynecology, and treatment of infectious diseases.

The InnovaMed NICaS System provides a much-needed solution for non-invasive hemodynamic and fluid management in both inpatient and outpatient settings.I

Our History

A team of scientists discovered the possibility of whole body bio-impedance for the assessment of stroke volume calculation
Immigrants from the former Soviet Union established a research group in order to combine Israeli military grade signal processing technology, together with the clinical approach based on research from 60,000 measurements. The scope was to develop a robust, noninvasive tool for the measurement of stroke volume
First prototypes of this Technology showed great correlation with Swan-Ganz thermodilution technique
The NICaS device was developed and showed great results in correlation with the gold standard thermodilution, showing bio-compatibility
New NI Medical was established in order to commercialize the product
NI Medical’s unique patent was granted for the NICaS hemodynamic navigator

Our Team

Igor Granov

Igor Granov is the inventor of NI Medical’s unique algorithm for the detection of LVSD. He has vast experience in the international medical device market, Impedance Cardiography technology, and extensive knowledge in regulatory affairs.
He is a partner in NI Medical’s patent registration and has a broad knowledge of inpatient clinical settings as a bio-impedance researcher.

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